Sunday, June 28, 2009

You'll find when you're not searching

Sooi's last evening in The Republic, we wanted to make a little bit special by cooking for ourselves and make it a little quiet evening. As we didn't know any place besides Fata Morgana were there was a community kitchen (besides the fact that we really liked the place and it was cheap) we decided to spend out last night together there. We left our hotel at 11:30 and arrived at Las Terrenas at 20:30 ! So most of that last day we spent on travelling and we were fed up by guagua trying to rip us off (or at least that's how we felt about it).
When we finished dinner, Edit, the owner of Fata Morgana tried to convince Sooi to take a bus in the morning the day his plane would leave instead of the next day. Since Sooi managed to get a Cacao Nut freshly picked by a Haitian guym he decided to follow our advice and we ended up having a second night together. We decided to spend it at the beach at Playa Cozon and simply have some beers and go for a swim...
After we sat down and finished the first one and went for a swim we came back at the bar and a couple of Dominicans were playing guitar, playing the bongos or congas or whatever it is called (I know for sure it wasn't a church organ) and singing too. After a while we put ourselves in front of the band at a table and when the band noticed our interest, they asked what we wanted to hear next. So we asked them to play merengue and bachata, what the difference was and one of the members of the band and a spectating lady even showed us the secrets of merengue dancing...
Sooi and I agreed this certainly was the most idyllic day of the trip.
After the band left, we shot the last pictures with Sooi's underwater camera (we also took these pictures under water) and we were blessed with some beautiful sunsets in the nicest beach in the country. Sooi thanked all gods of all religions (except that one religion were you need to cut of your hand, paint it blue and then sing a song in a language that doesn't exist, because that's a silly religion anyway) for staying one more night and receiving a gift like this one, without even asking for anything...

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