Tuesday, June 16, 2009


For the third time, I end up in Santiago. For some reason I seem to walk into the same places here. The first time we got here, we got off the bus, walked into a big warehouse, walked down that street, were we just stopped for a second to split our giant knife sharpening stone into
smaller pieces (we kept only 1/20th of it, and gave the rest away) and then jumped onto the bus to La Vega. The second time, I came here by myself, choose a rondom street, which looked completely unfamiliar at that time and suddenly walked upon the same corner as where we split our stone. I walked down another street and ended up again at the places where we took the guagua the first time. Now this time I got off the bus (not a guagua, but a full-sized, airconditioned bus with toilet onboard, which by the way only contained 5 people for the trip and was still cheaper than taking two guagua's in the other direction !??) and after a short walk was directed to a hotel on the corner from the guagua place.
It's as if Santiago only has 4 streets, two corners and the rest is just a projection that you can never enter.
I proved this wrong by searching for some food, but due to the late hour, the only thing I could still find was a McDonalds, my favorite restaurant because as a non-meat eater, I could choose between two dishes "a grilled fish sandwich" or "a something else fish sandwich".
I delayed my plan to search for Salsa/Merengue to the next evening since I didn't really trust my hotel, which was cheap (RD$ 250), but had no locks on the door. Due to the late hour I went searching for food, I left my credit card in the hotel in case I had to hand over my possessions to some sujet with a knife in some dark corner (which seemed to be an overly concerned thought, because many sweet young couples still strolled down the roads). But now I was concerned that I would find my hotel door being forced open and I was already making an emergency plan in my head in case I would end up with only 300 pesos in my pocket and not clothes, no phone ...
Of course this thought too, was an overly concerned one.
Back at the hotel, I was caught again by the 15-16 year old girl that showed me my room earlier and again she was making it very clear that she wanted sex for money, so I laughed and pushed her and her girlfriend that she introduced as well out off my room and said "fuerra !!" which I
hope means "get out !" or something similar.

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